
Meet Our Organization Team

Monique Kwakman, member of the board of the Ethics Revolution Foundation since 2023
Monique Kwakman

Volunteer Vision, Brainstorming & Workshops

Monique is - through her experience in giving trainings on Effective Altruism and translating this philosophy into practice - a star in understanding and communicating our vision. With a heart for people, ethics and creativity, she supports our teams who make this vision come true. 

Tina Klumpen website manager volunteer at the Ethics Revolution Foundation
tina the lump

Website management

As a volunteer, Tina sometimes steps in to help us when the website does everything differently than expected. We can benefit from her rich work experience in website management.

Ruchi Tyagi

HR employee

Ruchi comes from India, where she worked in HR for 6 years. She is enthusiastic about the volunteer culture in the Netherlands and helps us find the right people to grow our foundation. You can quickly get along with Ruchi. We lovingly entrust our teams to her care and insight.

Wanted: Volunteer Executive Assistant

Assistant Director

Meet Our Ethics Revolution e-festival Team

Mirjam the brave


Mirjam is the angel behind the scenes who makes sure that literally everything is ready for another fantastic festival. Mirjam has organized the Ethiek Revolutie e-festival since its first edition in 2022. We can almost wonder... would the e-festival have existed without Mirjam?!

Festival volunteers

Webinar assistants

Our volunteers are indispensable during the live webinars. They welcome and help participants in the chat box, and ensure that the guest speakers receive the audience questions.

So far we can thank:

Sunny, Eline, Teddy, Mariska, Linda, Diego, José, Steffi and Raven.

Elisa van de Schoot

Face of the festival

Elisa is the creator and initiator of the festival. After 2 years of training Mirjam, Elisa has now distanced herself more from the e-festival, because she has taken up the position of chair of the new foundation. Until more staff has been found, Elisa is still a source of information for complicated issues. We will continue to see her face when she opens the webinars and introduces the guest speakers to the audience.

Meet Our Art Revolution Festival Team

lime bream

Team leader & organizer

Linde is an art teacher and life coach. She brings her enthusiasm and connecting energy to our festival.

mirjam the brave


We have gotten to know Mirjam in recent years as a responsible go-getter with her heart in the right place. She now also strengthens our second festival.

nina spa


Nina's expertise is impact research, program development and hospitality. Nina has been thinking along and helping to find the right artists from the very beginning. 

Wanted: Business Manager

Business Manager

Festival volunteers

Festival volunteers

The volunteers play an indispensable role in guiding the public, catering, monitoring the works and spaces... and much more.

Want to help too? Check out our vacancies.

Meet Our Management

Elisa van de Schoot


Elisa is an ethicist, therapist and entrepreneur. She is the creator and initiator of Stichting Ethiek Revolutie. As chair, she helps shape the vision and policy. She also monitors our progress.

bart-jan doctor


Bart-Jan has extensive experience in managing a foundation and organizing connecting festivals and events. From his experience he thinks along about subjects such as administration, organization, team development and content.

myrthe de vries


Myrthe has a background in legislation, consultancy and subsidies. Of course, Myrthe shares indispensable advice in these areas with our other board members. She looks at our finances, administration, fundraising and regulations.

Would you like to work with us?

A friendly team and contributing to a better world

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